There's DX12 compatible, and then there's GPUs that actually work well with DX12. The DirectX 12 requirement is a bit interesting as well, as some of those older GPUs were potentially problematic. (Note that Nvidia has released security updates for some older GPUs like the GTX 660, with the last driver from March 2023, but the last "Game Ready" release was 472.12 from September 2021.) Also, the R9 280 was, literally, a rebadged Radeon HD 7950 Boost, which means technically you could go back a bit further on the GPU side of things. Is Blizzard testing with the final AMD 22.6.1 and Nvidia 474.30 drivers? We don't know. For example, the CPUs are very old by today's standards, and the GPUs both stopped getting driver updates in the past year or two. There are a few interesting pieces of information, though. We'll leave that as an exercise for the internet at large for now, so if you have such a system, sound off in our forums on how it runs! Mostly because we don't have most of those parts hanging around.

We got an Ultimate code for testing purposes, and the game unlocks at 4pm PDT on June 1. The game is in "early access" for the next few days, for people that are willing to fork over the extra money to buy the Deluxe or Ultimate editions. Diablo IV has arrived, eleven years after its predecessor.